Optical memories

We demonstrate how the Kerr nonlinearity can be a key enabler for many digital photonic circuits. It allows access to bistable states needed for all-optical memories and switches that can operate at a single laser frequency with no additional electrical power. Opt. Express 29, 2193-2203 (2021)

We will be presenting at the FiO-LS virtual conference

Our group will be presenting our most recent research results at the FiO-LS virtual conference. All our talks are on Wednesday 16 September (CET times).

  • 14:30 George Ghalanos “Splitting of Microresonator Modes with the Kerr-Nonlinearity”
  • 21:00 Niall Moroney “Microresonator Logic Gates”
  • 02:30 (17 Sept) Shuangyou Zhang “Spectrally Extended Microcombs with an Auxiliary Laser”
Leonardo PhD Defense

Congratulations to Leonardo for passing his (virtual) PhD viva! Thanks also to his examiners and co-supervisors Derryck Reid, Frank Vollmer, and Marcello Ferrera.

Best Student Talk

Andreas Svela won the prize for the best student talk at the International Nanophotonics Summerschool at AMOLF for his talk on “Near-field sensing with symmetry-breaking enhancement in microresonators”. Congratulations Andreas!

Rayleigh Award

Our work on nonlinear interaction of counterpropagating light in microresonators received the 2018 NPL Rayleigh Award. Congratulations to everyone!

Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowship

Jonathan Silver was awarded a postdoctoral research fellowship by the Royal Academy of Engineering for work on applications of spontaneous symmetry breaking between counterpropagating light in whispering gallery microresonators. Congratulations Jonathan!