
Group Members


PI – Pascal Del’Haye
Pascal Del’Haye
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
91058 Erlangen, Germany
pascal.delhaye [at]
Tel +49 9131 7133 137

Curriculum Vitae



Shuangyou Zhang
(Senior Scientist and Deputy Group Leader)
Shuangyou received his Bachelors in Electronics from Jilin University, and PhD in Electronics from Peking University. His research interests include optical frequency combs and their applications, chip-scale atomic clock, two-photon-transition for optical frequency standards and integrated photonics.

shuangyou.zhang [at]


Lewis Hill
Lewis is an external theory postdoc in our group, co-located at the University of Strathclyde and working with Prof. Gian-Luca Oppo. He obtained degrees in both ‘Mathematics’ and ‘Theoretical and Computational Physics’ from Cardiff University where he was also awarded the Professor John Parrot Prize in 2017.

lewis.hill [at]


PhD Students


Toby BiToby Bi
Toby has a BSc in physics and computer science, BSc (Hons) in physics, and an MSc in physics, all from The University of Auckland, New Zealand. His master’s research project was on parametric oscillations in magnesium fluoride microresonators supervised by Stuart G. Murdoch in the nonlinear photonics group. Toby joined the group at MPL in 2020 to pursue a PhD as part of the MICROCOMB Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network. [at]


Graeme Campbell
Graeme is an external PhD student located at the University of Strathclyde and supervised by Prof Gian-Luca Oppo. He achieved his BSc (Hons) in mathematical physics at the University of Edinburgh before moving to the University of Strathclyde to obtain an MSc in physics and start his PhD in the ‘theory and simulation of frequency combs in micro-resonator devices’.  

graeme.campbell.2019 [at]


Marjan Raeis Danaei
Marjan obtained a M.Sc. in solid state physics at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, Iran. She then moved to Germany to pursue her master studies in material physics at FAU Erlangen on the topic of “investigation of WGM resonators in the THz regime for sensing”. She joined the group as a PhD student in 2021.

marjan.raeis-danaei [at]



Haochen profileHaochen Yan
Haochen received his Bachelors in physics from University of California, Los Angeles, and Master’s degree in Chemistry from University of Tokyo. He joined the group as a PhD student in 2021.

haochen.yan [at]



Hao (Jam) Zhang
Hao Zhang is a PhD student from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, supervised by Prof Shilong Pan. He received the bachelor’s degree in Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Technology from Nanjing University in 2019. He joined the group as a visiting PhD student in 2021.

hao.zhang [at]



Alekhya Ghosh
Alekhya received his bachelor’s degree in electronics and communication engineering from University of Calcutta, India, and master’s degree in advanced optical technologies from Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen – Nuremberg, Germany. He joined the group as a PhD candidate in January, 2022.

alekhya.ghosh [at]



Arghadeep Pal
Arghadeep obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the University of Calcutta in 2019. His Bachelor’s Thesis was on Simulation of photonic crystal and application of machine learning in it. In 2019, he joined the Master’s Programme in Advanced Optical Technologies at Friedrich Alexander University. He joined our group in 2020 for his internship, mini-thesis, and Master Thesis.

arghadeep.pal [at]


Abdullah Alabbadi
Abdullah joined us in late 2022 to pursue his PhD as part of the Max Planck School of Photonics. He obtained his M.Sc degree in Physics in the winter of 2022 as part of the International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science in Stuttgart. During his time there, he worked on kW-scale thin-disk lasers and few-cycle nonlinear light sources.

abdullah.alabbadi [at]


Masoud Kheyri
Masoud graduated in physics from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. He moved to Paris to join the Master2 program in Quantum Devices at University of Paris. He did his internship on high frequency modulation of Quatum Cascade Lasers in QUAD group, École Normale Supéreiure, Paris. After a short stay in 2dphotonics group, CREHA, Antibes working on the design and fabrication of GaN metasurfaces, he moved to the Max Planck School of Photonics to follow his studies in Master of Advanced Optical Technologies (MAOT).

masoud.kheyri [at]




Julian Thoms
Julian is a Master of physics student at the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. He started his studies in October 2019. He joined the group to work on his Bachelor Thesis about Fabry–Perot cavities.

julian.thoms [at]



Ibrahim El Mazbouh
Ibrahim received his bachelor’s degree in physics from the Lebanese University in Beirut. He joined the group as a master’s student in April 2024, specializing in advanced optical technologies. His research focuses on nonlinear microresonators.

ibrahim.el-mazbouh [at]



Nivedita Vishnukumar 
Nivedita has an MSc degree in Physics from UM-DAE CEBS Mumbai. She decided to narrow her research interests to Optics and decided to do Masters in advanced optical technologies at FAU Erlangen. She joined our group in May 2024 and currently is working on coupled microresonators

nivedita.vishnukumar [at]



Carl Abi Nakad
Carl is working towards a Masters in Advanced Optical Technology at FAU Erlangen and is part of the Max Planck School of Photonics. He graduated from the University of Auckland in 2022 with a BSc in physics and mathematics. Currently working on a non-linear imaging project.

carl.abi-nakad [at]



Franz Pacher
Franz received his Bachelor’s degree in Physics from FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg in 2023 and joined the group in 2024 for his Master’s thesis in Physics on the topic of entangled photon-pair generation on-chip and its applications.

franz.pacher [at]



Visiting Students


Firdevs Yuce
Firdevs is a mechanical engineering student at Koc University – Turkey. She joined our group in summer 2024 as an intern. She is currently working on design and characterization of integrated inverse designed photonic structures.

fyuce21 [at]



Zhou Qixuan
Zhou Qixuan is an undergraduate student from School of Physics, Peking University. He joined the group as a visiting student for 2024 summer, working on counter-propagating light in microresonators.


zhou.qixuan [at]




Previous Group Members

Yaojing Zhang (postdoc 2022-2023)
Present affiliation: Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

George Ghalanos (2019-2023)
Present affiliation: Akhetonics

Jolly Xavier (visiting June 2022 & June 2023)
Present affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Louis-Philippe St-Arnaud (visiting student, summer 2023)

Yongyong Zhuang (visiting  2022-23)
Present affiliation: Associate professor at the Jiaotong University

Eva-Maria Hirmer (Bachelor’s student 2022)
Present affiliation: Master’s student at the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Kiyoul Yang (visiting September 2022)
Present affiliation: Assistant Professor at the Harvard University

Leonardo Del Bino (PhD / EngD and PostDoc 2016-2022)
Present affiliation: Co-founder at Akhetonics

Andreas Svela (PhD 2018 -2022)

Niall Moroney (PhD 2018 -2022)
Present affiliation: Quantum Optics Scientist at ORCA computing, UK

Michael Woodley (PhD / EngD 2016 -2020)
Present affiliation: Postdoc at the University of Sussex, UK

Shroddha Mukhopadhyay (summer intern 2020)
Present affiliation: PhD student at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Jonathan Silver (research scientist / postdoc 2015 – 2020)
Present affiliation: National Physical Laboratory, UK

Shun Fujii (visiting PhD 01/2020-03/2020)
Present affiliation: Keio University, Japan

Francois Copie (research scientist / postdoc 12/2017-08/2018)
Present affiliation: Lecturer at University of Lille, France

Xin Zhao (visiting scientist 08/2016-08/2017)
Present affiliation: Associate Professor Beihang University, Beijing, China

Sarah Stebbings (visiting scientist 07/2015-07/2017)

Diptarko Chowdhury (work experience student 01/2016-05/2016)
Present affiliation: Student at Oxford University

Changlei Guo (visiting scientist 01/2016-04/2016)
Present affiliation: SYRTE – Observatoire de Paris

Amy Hughes (summer intern 06/2015-09/2015)
Present affiliation: PhD Student at the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University