Congratulations to Leonardo for passing his (virtual) PhD viva! Thanks also to his examiners and co-supervisors Derryck Reid, Frank Vollmer, and Marcello Ferrera.
Logic-Gates based on the Kerr effect in microresonators
Our paper on logic gates Based on Interaction of Counterpropagating Light in Microresonators has been published in Journal of Lightwave Technology. J. Lightwave Technol. 38, 1414-1419
Further results on the theory of symmetry breaking
Our paper on the effects of self- and cross-phase modulation on the spontaneous symmetry breaking of light in ring resonators has been published in Physical Review A. Phys. Rev. A 101, 013823
Relocating to the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
I am happy to announce that our research will move to the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in January 2020.
Stabilized THz-Waves from a Soliton Microcomb
Our paper on the generation of stabilized THz-waves with a soliton microcomb has been published in Optics Express.
Presentation Award for Lewis Hill
Lewis Hill received the “Conference Stand-out Presentation”-Award at this year’s Institute of Physics CAPS conference in Swansea. Congratulations Lewis!
Thermo-optical Pulsing Paper
Together with Alessia Pasquazi’s group at the University of Sussex we published a paper on thermo-optical pulsing in a nested microresonator system embedded in a ring laser.
Optics Express 27, 19242-19254
Best Student Talk
Andreas Svela won the prize for the best student talk at the International Nanophotonics Summerschool at AMOLF for his talk on “Near-field sensing with symmetry-breaking enhancement in microresonators”. Congratulations Andreas!
Sub-mW Soliton Microcombs
We demonstrate a new technique to passively stabilize microresonator modes using an auxiliary laser. This enables the generation of soliton frequency combs at a record low threshold power of 780 microwatt.
Optica 6, 206-212
Press release
PRL Paper on Interplay between Time and Polarization Symmetry Breaking
Our recent work on the interplay between time-reversal symmetry breaking and polarization symmetry breaking has been published in Physical Review Letters.
PRL 122 013905
Press release.
Paper on Brillouin Strong Coupling in Microresonators
Together with our collaborators Michael Vanner and Georg Enzian from Imperial College we published a paper on Brillouin optomechanical strong coupling in microresonators.
Optica 6, 7-14 (2019)
Press release
Dynamics of Interaction of Counterpropagating Light Published
Our paper on the dynamics of the interaction of counterpropagting light in microresonators has been published. This work has been done together with Gian-Luca Oppo and Lewis Hill at the University of Strathclyde.
Physical Review A, 98, 053863
Symposium on Nonreciprocal Photonics
We are organizing a special symposium on nonreciprocal photonics at CLEO2019 in San Jose (May 5th-10th 2019). Contributed submissions welcome! More information on the CLEO website.
Rayleigh Award
Our work on nonlinear interaction of counterpropagating light in microresonators received the 2018 NPL Rayleigh Award. Congratulations to everyone!
A Diode Made of Light
Our work on microresonator-based optical isolators and circulators using the nonreciprocity of the Kerr effect has been published in Optica.
Best Poster Award for Leonardo "Microresonator Isolators based on Kerr Nonreciprocity"
Leonardo Del Bino won a best poster award at the “653. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Optical Microcavities and Their Applications” for his poster on optical isolators and circulators based on the nonreciprocity of the Kerr effect in microresonators.
Best Presentation Award for Jonathan Silver
Jonathan Silver received the “Best Presentation Award” of NPL’s time and frequency symposium.
Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowship
Jonathan Silver was awarded a postdoctoral research fellowship by the Royal Academy of Engineering for work on applications of spontaneous symmetry breaking between counterpropagating light in whispering gallery microresonators. Congratulations Jonathan!
EFTF Young Scientist Award
Pascal Del’Haye received this year’s Young Scientist Award of the European Frequency and Time Forum. The award was presented during the plenary session of the EFTF/IFCS conference in Besancon “For outstanding contributions to the development of microresonator–based optical frequency combs”.
Incubic/Milton Chang Travel Grant
Leonardo Del Bino was rewarded with the Incubic/Milton Chang travel grant for his work on symmetry breaking of counterpropagating light in microresonators. The grant covers travel costs to this year’s CLEO conference in San Jose, CA USA. Congratulations Leonardo!
Marie Curie Grant
Pascal Del’Haye received a Horizons2020 Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Grant for research on nonlinear interaction of counter-propagating light.