Shuangyou Zhang is awarded a DFG grant

Shuangyou is awarded a DFG grant on Low-Temperature Sputtered Silicon Nitride for Integrated Photonic Applications, together with Pascal. The project will fund a PhD position for 3 years, offering an outstanding opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research at MPL.

Geometry optimization for dark soliton combs

Our new paper titled “Geometry optimization for dark soliton combs in thin multimode silicon nitride microresonators” was published in Optics Express, which provides insights into engineering a Si3N4 structure for optimal effective nonlinearity with a compact footprint. We experimentally demonstrate the low-noise dark pulses with a repetition rate of 25 GHz in a Si3N4 resonator. Read more: Optics Express 31, 41420-41427 (2023).

We will be at CLEO

We will be presenting at the upcoming CLEO conference in San Jose, California (15-20 May):
Lewis Hill, “Nested spontaneous symmetry breaking” 17 May
Shuangyou Zhang, “Dark-Bright Soliton Frequency Combs” 18 May
Leonardo Del Bino, “All-optical Kerr Polarization Controller” 19 May

Self-Switching Kerr Oscillations in Microresonators

We report the experimental and numerical observation of oscillatory switching between counter-propagating light beams in Kerr ring microresonators. This effect well captured by a simple coupled dynamical system featuring only the self- and cross-phase Kerr nonlinearities. Self-switching of counterpropagating light is robust for realizing controllable, all-optical generation of waveforms, signal encoding, and chaotic cryptography. Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 043901